(563) 293-1801
A.A. in Decorah, Iowa, U.S.A., 52101. Web address: DecorahAA.org
Decorah is located in Winneshiek County, which is in northeast Iowa.
AA Decorah Meetings
The Decorah A.A. website was last updated on Mon 5 Aug 2024.
This website is frequently updated and provides the latest information about Alcoholics Anonymous in Decorah & beyond.
Email decorahAA@gmail.com or call (563) 293-1801 if you have questions, comments, and/or suggestions about Decorah A.A. and/or this website.
You're NOT alone anymore!
Click here for a short explanation of A.A.'s main purpose.
Summer 2024 Decorah Social Events
(1) OVER and DONE WITH: Monday 10 June 2024 Founders' Day Celebration;
(2) OVER and DONE WITH: Saturday 13 July 2024 "Christmas in July" Potluck and Karaoke party;
(3) OVER and DONE WITH: Sunday 4 August 2024 Decorah Noon Group Annual Picnic.
*An "open" meeting is open to:
~alcoholics or people who think they might have an alcohol problem;
~family/friends of alcoholics or family/friends of people who may be alcoholics;
~those who are curious about A.A.
#A “closed” meeting is ONLY for alcoholics or people who think they might have an alcohol problem.
------>Weekly Sunday 4 pm meeting, meets in the classroom in the basement of Saint Benedict's building, 307 W. Main Street, Decorah. This is an "open"* meeting. Click here for flier with additional information. For those people who do not need a special accessibility entrance, enter through the western most door along the north side of the building and go down the stairs. For those who have special accessibility needs, use the door on the south side of the building to enter and take the elevator to the bottom floor. A professional American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter is not available, but the group is willing to work with people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Furthermore, this group subscribes to the tenets of the "A.A. Guidelines on Accessibility for All Alcoholics".
------>Monday through Friday Noon meetings, meet in the classroom in the basement of Saint Benedict's building, 307 W. Main Street, Decorah. These are "open"* meetings. For those people who do not need a special accessibility entrance, enter through the western most door along the north side of the building and go down the stairs. For those who have special accessibility needs, use the door on the south side of the building to enter and take the elevator to the bottom floor. A professional American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter is not available, but the group is willing to work with people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Furthermore, this group subscribes to the tenets of the "A.A. Guidelines on Accessibility for All Alcoholics".
------>Tuesday weekly 8 pm meeting, 2nd floor of Methodist education wing, 302 West Broadway, Decorah. This is a "closed"# meeting. For handicap accessibility, see https://decorahfirstunitedmethodist.org/contact-us-2/ ; NOTE: As of 14 July 2024, for the next three months access into the building from the back (west) door will not be possible. The company doing the church renovation work will have their equipment back there. For safety and insurance purposes please use the door on Court St. (front/east side of the building) to get to the meeting room. A professional American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter is not available, but the group is willing to work with people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Furthermore, this group subscribes to the tenets of the "A.A. Guidelines on Accessibility for All Alcoholics".
------>Thursday weekly 7 pm WOMEN'S meeting, 2nd floor of Methodist education wing, 302 West Broadway, Decorah. This is a "closed"# meeting. For handicap accessibility, see https://decorahfirstunitedmethodist.org/contact-us-2/ . NOTE: As of 14 July 2024, for the next three months access into the building from the back (west) door will not be possible. The company doing the church renovation work will have their equipment back there. For safety and insurance purposes please use the door on Court St. (front/east side of the building) to get to the meeting room. Click here for flyer.
------>Saturday weekly 4 pm meeting, 2nd floor of Methodist education wing, 302 West Broadway, Decorah. This is a "closed"# meeting. For handicap accessibility, see https://decorahfirstunitedmethodist.org/contact-us-2/ . NOTE: As of 14 July 2024, for the next three months access into the building from the back (west) door will not be possible. The company doing the church renovation work will have their equipment back there. For safety and insurance purposes please use the door on Court St. (front/east side of the building) to get to the meeting room. A professional American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter is not available, but the group is willing to work with people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Furthermore, this group subscribes to the tenets of the "A.A. Guidelines on Accessibility for All Alcoholics".
-------------------Links to Other Meetings & Info-------------------
Northeast Iowa (area 24 district 5)
Southeast Minnesota (area 36 district 2)
Western Wisconsin (area 75 districts 1 & 9)
-->8 AM (central time) Zoomers, Boise, Idaho
-->Nightly @ 10 PM (central time) Keep it Going group, California, zoom id 431001429, no password.
Other A.A. meetings in the U.S.A. & Canada
The Gopher State Audio Library, formerly known as Gopher State Tape Library, is the ONLY not-for-profit audio recording group serving the Twelfth Step community. Check out their inspirational recordings!
Information for Anyone New Coming to A.A. AND for Anyone Referring People to AA:
-->What is A.A.? Information on Alcoholics Anonymous
Can A.A. help me stop drinking? In this video, members explain how Alcoholics Anonymous works and what to expect in meetings. Learn about sponsorship and home groups, and how the Twelve Steps can help you recover from alcoholism and live without drinking. A.A.'s primary purpose is for members to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Alcoholics Anonymous International Website
About "anonymity"
-->"That 'anonymous' part was the most important thing to me at the time. To me, using our first names is only the first step in being anonymous. There is much more to anonymity. It means absolutely no gossip. It means not repeating what we heard about anyone at the diner or in the parking lot after a meeting—not even to our sponsor," from the Grapevine article "Hope Nobody Sees Me! A member in Tennessee shares his thoughts about the importance of anonymity."
-->Why Anonymous?
-->"Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities" (from A.A.'s Traditions).
Twelve Tips on Keeping Your Holiday Season Sober and Joyous
Grapevine is A.A.'s "meeting in print." Grapevine is the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous and is published monthly. Click here for an informational video and here to subscribe.
Want To Help Another Alcoholic? Grapevine and La Viña are Great Twelfth Step Tools! Click here for more information.
Remember, A.A. members: "Ya gotta give it away to keep it." Here are some Grapevine related ways to do that:
[Click here if you are an A.A. member and would like to make a voluntary monetary contribution to the G.S.O. Click here for a story explaining the need the G.S.O. has for funds. Note that the G.S.O. only accepts voluntary contributions from members.]
Click here for information on problems other than alcohol (like drug addiction, etc.) and how A.A. does or does not fit in.
Al-Anon/Alateen is for people who are troubled by someone else's drinking or if they grew up with a problem drinker. Click here for information about Al-Anon/Alateen. Click here (link currently not available) for Decorah Al-Anon/Alateen meeting information.
A.A. Newsletters
Box 4-5-9 (A quarterly news bulletin about A.A. service, literature, events, sharing from groups, service committees and individual U.S./Canada A.A. members.)
About A.A. (For professionals of all types who deal with alcoholics, including professionals in the fields of healthcare, law, corrections and clergy.)
Sharing from Behind the Walls (Excerpts from letters sent to G.S.O. by people in custody for others involved in A.A. in correctional facilities.)
-------------------Service, Conference, and other A.A. Events-------------------
Click on the following link for comprehensive Iowa information:
Area 24 (Iowa) and District 5 (Northeast Iowa)
-------------------Inspirational Messages-------------------
-->“I go to lots of meetings. I get there early and help set up. I stay late and help clean up. I extend my hand as it was extended to me ... I’ve been given a second chance and I’m here to be of service.” --from “Staying in the Momentum,” Blacksburg, Virginia, August 1995, In Our Own Words: Stories of Young A.A.'s in Recovery
-------------------Website Search Engine Keywords-------------------
addiction, rehab, rehabilitation, halfway house, half-way house, recovery, treatment, alcohol, alcoholic treatment, alcoholic recovery, alcohol addiction, rehab center, alcohol abuse, addiction information, addiction treatment, treatment center, addict, drunk, got drunk, get drunk, drink, drink too much, substance abuse, chemical abuse, decorah aa, a.a. decorah, alcoholics anonymous decorah, bing, https://www.bing.com/ , duckduckgo, https://duckduckgo.com/